Name: Halegas
Race: Man ( Dunadein )
Gender: M
Age: 75
Appearance: He has a clean shaven face, green eyes, about 6' high and a heavy but strong build.
Brief History:
Halegas has been with the Grey Company for many years, traveling with them stopping to do odd jobs. He was raised in The White City with his 3 other siblings. When the orcs of the 3rd Age attacked the city they killed his whole family. So he had to raised himself doing all he could to survive.
He has been tought by the Grey Company to be extremely stealthy.
Occupation/Rank (Just put N/A if you have none.): He is the kings sons right hand man.
Quite, shy but can be very bold. He is extremly fierce man in combat.
Broadsword, small hunting bow.
Grey Company, Gondor, Rohan, Elves.
Other: He carries a grey cloak, small bag, 3 knives, and rides he horse Dunehal.