Name: Karcil
Race: Ithilien Rangers
Gender: M
Age: 42
Rough around the edges, around 6'1, with blue eyes that some have said could be made of ice. Most of Karcil usually remains unseen, covered by his cloak.
Brief History:
Karcil was once a happy resident of the kingdom of Rohan. He was then banished along with Èomer in the third age. He was injured during their night attack on the orcs which carried Merry and Pippin to Isengard. Left for dead, he managed to mount his horse and ride off. He couldn't catch the rest of the Rohan riders, so he stopped at a small village to recuperate. When he was healed, he made his way to the Iron hills, where he now resides.
Ranger Skill!
Occupation/Rank (Just put N/A if you have none.): Ranger
Despises attention. Likes to remain unseen. Quiet, and kind.
Sword, Long knife (dirk), Bow, Arrows, small boot knife.
Met Aragorn once, in the third age.
Other: Wears a mottled cloak; grey, multiple greens, and brown, medium sized bag, has a horse named Belgold.